When I eventually break free of the traffic I usually have Brainstorm by Hawkwind buzzin through me Brain. http://youtu.be/2m-k3GueYBg :biggrin:
I have to watch out if I get a Zappa tune in my head when riding. Leads to a certain devil-may-care attitude.
This gets my throttle hand twitching, not that I need much encouragement judging by the state of my license...
I've always got a tune in my head when I'm riding or snowboarding etc. And the tune will determine my riding style.
Yep my entire playlist on my phone via my headphones beamed directly to my head. Sweet tones. Lately it is soundtrack from movie drive. It makes me do things:
I have been known to sing Mairi's Wedding when crossing the border going north. The bits that I know anyway.
Even though I had seen Hawkwind it was only the other day I relised it was Lemmy. Must have been looking at Statia. Regards Steve
Always music in my head anyway and it varies immensely. Usually starts with Yakety Sax (the Benny Hill Theme) now as it was the first one on iPod as we pulled away on our first tour to France Read into that what you will!!