noticed glasgow was third on the list. :Angelic::smile: BBC News - Warning issued over 'drunk walking'
Helmets for pedestrians, the Duchess of Cornwall's brother Mark Shand would be alive today if he had been wearing one, isn't that all the evidence we need ?
was the mother not a bit of a piss head also. she lived out here, theres the odd story's kicking about allegedly being pissed and motoring incidents.
That's the trouble with nanny state health and safety. The more of it you have the more of it you need. Better to do nothing and say nothing and let natural selection take its course.
Whats the point of evolution if we allow H&S to bypass it. Its a Christian Conspiracy. By allowing dumb asses to survive we just give creationists the evidence they seek to deny it.
WE'RE THIRD WTF!!!!! Weeigies need to up they're game bloody softy southerners beating us at our national sport. The council are doing they're part up here too by taking years to replace broken pavements as well and still only third, its a national disgrace. Hopefully the stats will rise what with all the amateur drinkers oot at this time of year. I was laughing ma tits off this afternoon when they had some H&E bint talking about it and I paraphrase here but, she said that drinkers walking home should plan they're route home in advance like people taking they're car when going out. Just forming a mental image of all these guys programming the sat nav to take them via the back roads from the pub when they are pished
Totally agree with Boots... H&S is making the UK stupid by denying the halfwits the ability to take themselves out of the gene-pool... It's a conspiricy !
Me and the late Big Fred used to award each other points for falling into things. Big Fred was the Nureyev of staggering
I wonder how many countries in the world there are where entire populations have to be reminded not to get too shit-faced. Woah! Don't WALK home from the pub - dangerous. In fact it's probably safer to just keel over in the gutter outside and stay there. Or you could plan ahead and bring your own cardboard box with you on your festive night out.
Lots of people do. Its becoming an increasingly popular way to enjoy a drink in towns all over Britain.
There was a guy who was killed by a refuge lorry crusher this year I think in the UK. The coroner's verdict was death by misadventure I think. They reckon he got pished, started going mildly hypothermic and climbed into one of these commercial bins and fell asleep................................Along comes the bin lorry......................bish bash bosh its all over. Think falling a few times is a good deal safer
Take your pick , the maths teacher ................Tributes to teacher crushed in Brighton bin lorry (From The Argus) Or the Canadian student studying international security...........INQUEST: Canadian student Garrett Elsey was crushed to death after falling asleep in bin | Bristol Post
Yeah it was the Canadian student I'd heard about, never knew about the maths teacher Scary, scary, scary