It is cold!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Went out today for a quick blast to test new exhaust. It is quieter then old one but has a deeper nicer tone. Also looks cool. [​IMG]

    This is how cold it got, my dash!
  2. It's bloody freezing. It was -4C when I left for the office this morning and its been hovering 0C all day.
  3. Not as cold as what you are used to in Poland Lucaz. :upyeah:
  4. Phil I am loosing my polish touch as I think it is cold when I know it is not. Issue is as I can not see speed I am more afraid of yellow boxes.

    Need to pop the dash open Saturday, clean and seal up again as it is now stupid.
  5. Leaving my parents tonight I put the windscreen wipers on to remove the condensation only for it to freeze!!!
  6. Lucas to add to your increasing vernacular:

    Colder than a well digger's arse


    Colder than a Witches tit
  7. Would not know about that John. Do not touch well diggers asses as seen no well diggers of late. Never seen a witch I would want to touch. :)
  8. You're around London, right? Just take your number plate off, simples! Keep it in your rucksack in case you're stopped. It fell off in polish should do the trick ;)
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  9. You can stick your motorbikes where the sun don't shine in this weather. It took half an hour for the van to warm up enough to be inhabitable...
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  10. Even I was thinking on Friday I might take the car to work if it carries on this cold. Maximum temperature on my ride in was 2 degrees, and even with the heated grips on full whack and the other half's Keis heated waistcoat I was cold (especially my left index finger and right pinkie for some reason) on the 25 minute ride into work. The bike was already frosted with a layer of salt from following a gritter lorry home on Thursday evening (just been out to wash it off). In this weather everything either freezes up, salts up or mists up. My pinlock doesn't seem to be working, and doesn't help when it's the outside of the visor misting up. I hate queueing in traffic, but the heated seats in our BMW 3 series are starting to appeal more than the ability to filter!
  11. Was seriously cold driving back up the road from the NEC yesterday. Somewhere between 0 and -5 all the way. Still not made it above 0 today all day. Ouch.
  12. Pretty chilly out on the MB today too
  13. Been out today colder then yesterday. Dash did not get any worse but I was told slick tyre is not to good in cold ;) Note to self need new tyres.
    #14 Lucazade, Dec 1, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2012
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