899 It Just Gets Better And Better!

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by El Toro, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. Just had a proper blast around West Yorkshire for the past three hours with a 15 minute pit stop at Squires. Got chatting to a member of Satans Slaves from Halifax. And just before I was leaving a guy buttonholed me about Pandora to ask what I thought about the 899. Seems that he has a 848 EC SE like I had but was in two minds about changing. Anyway I gave him chapter and verse (condensed version) and I think he's now going to have a test ride. He may regret having stopped me for a chat :)

    Anyway back to Pandora............she just gets better and better. This bike is officially awesome in all areas bar none. Fact!

    The only thing it needs to make it the absolute perfect bike is the ability to clean itself. If Ducati can crack that nut then they will produce the best bike in the universe! :D
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  2. Good to hear that you're enjoying it! Not that you've ever given any other impression! I've currently got past the craving for an 899 and keep looking lovingly at my 848 again :Kiss:
  3. Good to hear you're enjoying it. Completely agree that these bikes really do get better as you ride them more. My 1199s it at the dealers and I'm itching to get it back to enjoy some of the sun.
  4. Pandora.. Really !
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Oh and I think Adam Child was at Squires last night
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  6. does the 899 have the same power delivery characteristics as the 1199???ie,not a lot of low down grunt and then goes from 6k (ish) revs...
  7. I rode a 899 on wed this week. It's got no bottom end at all. Power is well up the rev rage. Not what I was expecting to be honest
  8. No bottom end?? I rode an 1199 last year and thought this. Then I rode a 899 this year and thought it had good bottom end poke definately as much as my 848!! Liked it so much have just bought one
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