It must have been a slow news day....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. alert.jpg

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  2. Crime must be getting pretty bad if some fecker has got the balls to nick a load of firemen's noses! :wink:
  3. ............unable to smell anything..........even though it was a filling station.
  4. And in other news............"Bears shit in the woods" :smile:
  5. That's Leicestershire for you.
  6. Where was the scene a petrol station :rolleyes:
  7. Identified as Catholic


  8. Never knew the Pope was catholic
  9. The last one certainly wasn't.
  10. I once heard BBC Radio Devon telling all (both?) it's listeners that Mrs Jones had lost a cow and anyone who'd seen Daisy was requested to call her on Bude 12345 (or whatever it was. Certainly just five numbers if I remember!). That was pretty much top story too...
  11. pull the udder one
  12. Is that the pope? With all the gold n chains thought it must be Jimmy Saville..

  13. Saville no no no Mr T
  14. Stay in the black, keep out of the red.
    Nothing in this game for two-in-a-bed.
  15. Shan't be going to that curry house. The poppadoms are way too small, dead stingy...
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  16. And here's another one

    Teacher called my son a

    How good is it that the whole of his locality will know his son as "Numpty" and his dad must be "Humpty Numpty"
  17. That would have been a waste of time for a start. I find it highly unlikely that Daisy would answer a phone.
  18. Anyone who holds biscuits in such high esteem is OK in my book :upyeah:

    Give us this day our daily Rich Tea ......
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  19. Jim Bowen has certainly gone downhill since Bullseye
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