I've got this weird desire now all of a sudden, for everything Italian. I don't know what's happened to me. I've even considered learning the language. I already speak a fair amount of Czech, and I used to be basic conversation level Japanese which is absolutely fantastic for arguments/insults Anyone else caught this disease? I think my diet is going to suffer too.
You have become an all over ducatisti Coda I felt a bit like that years ago. You may perhaps get over it soon.
Resist all urges to buy a medallion. Enjoy the food but in moderation, unless you plan to buy new leathers. No real need to learn the language, no one outside of Italy speaks it, and those within its borders will understand you perfectly provided you dramatically wave your arms around whilst mumbling. Lamborghini or Ferrari?
It’s ok, you’re just suffering from Italophilia. It’s a little like necrophilia but without the corpses and with more wine and ice cream.
I used to run a Co-op blue Fiat Panda 750L, Fantasia Edition and it was the such a hoot to drive. Orange, blue and green interior with a hammock rear seat. All the glass in it was flat & the door windows were interchangeable between left & right. I remember it with much fondness This one is a little posh because it has a sunroof... https://www.flickr.com/photos/leicester-vehicle-photography/4964372191/in/photostream/
Yeah they were real popular in the ski resorts. Dirt cheap & basic but could put many a flashier 4x4 to shame. They're fetching good money now... 9.5k https://www.carandclassic.com/car/C1501964
Yea it’s a musical term but also the pictogram is a circle with a cross, which is what a sniper sees through the sight. As I was both a musician and heavily into FPS gaming back in the day, it fit.
I had a diesel Uno of the same shape and similar vintage which, somehow, managed to be great fun to drive and which turned out to be one of the cars I most bonded with. I have many fond memories of caning around the underground roundabout at Canary Wharf with the back wheel in the air, but sadly it expired in the summer of 1999 between Aldgate and Shoreditch when the cam belt snapped.