Its all coming out now... former chief of the co-op

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 998gsb, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. I laughed so much when I heard the news today......

    The co-op trades on its image of being so ethical.... Mrs 998 used to work for them in co-op bank - and you would not believe how badly they treat their staff - it really is appalling, and force them to mis - sell to customers.... so I pissed myself laughing this morning about the story unfolding with the former co-op head honcho.

    So first he gets busted trying to score £300 of coke..... next we hear he's been arrested by West Yorks Police in Merseyside, as part of an investigation in to a major drug dealing ring, and now its come out, he resigned from some council or other in Yorkshire that he was in earlier this year, because they found a load of porn on a council lap top that he'd handed in for repair.....

    Couldn't happen to the head of a nicer company...
  2. And the Labour Party knew about it but turned a blind eye because he was bunging them great wads of cash :eek:
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