Its Friday Finally

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by zx6ghost, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. its been a long week

    so what we all doing this weekend,

    i am working tommorow then dinner with the Parents saturday night,

    sunday, getting ready for a sofa to be delivered on tuesday, so get shot of the old one and have a shuffle about, then hope to get out on the bike in the afternoon, may pop to box,

    so what about the rest of you

    any plans?
  2. Recovering from manflu, still worked but suffering, so dosed up to the hilt today so I feel better for a ride tomorrow, then out with mrs sunday may go to new forest for a nice walk in the country
  3. we mans 9th birthday so to maintain tradition off to blairdrummond safari park, taking some of his mates so the wife will take em in the car and i will be forced to use the bike. bummer.:upyeah:
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  4. Wifey at festi. Me with nothing to do all weekend. Going to remove engine from campervan and fix that damn fuel sender. Might pop out on bike too. Yippee.
  5. Jobhunting...
  6. oh dear. who did you hit.
  7. Weather is very nice today.
    Weather was very nice yesterday.
    Weather meant to be even nicer tomorrow, so I may even get the bike out. And I may learn a song on the guitar. And I will probably have to do something in the garden (I suspect I should be pulling and storing the carrots).
  8. I trusted someone.

    I shouldn't have.
  9. nightmare.
  10. Dislike. Bad when that happens.
  11. When they said they wouldnt come in your mouth?
  12. Boo. Good luck fig
  13. Plans out of the window as I have ruptured my Achilles today :Hungover: image.jpg
  14. It's not Friday any more :(
  15. no, it's ride out day off to sterling through glen ogle good run this time in the morning and its dry. v.nice.
  16. I'm out in an hour or so :)
  17. I was all set to go out for a scoot when I suddenly realised I have a work callover this morning. Dammit! Dammit!
    Let's hope it's possible to go afterwards.
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