I'Ts my birthday.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PeterT, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. And I am having to work !!!

    Well that is not strictly true I am only going to work one hour today.:biggrin:
  2. Happy birthday!!
  3. Parting the red sea form part of the job description this days ?

    Happy birthday by the way

    Edit: Sorry, wrong religious icon. still, happy birthday all the same
  4. Birthday cheer :upyeah:
  5. Happy birthday!
  6. never mind retirement is just around the corner. p.s. happy new bus pass. :smile:
  7. [​IMG]

    hope I got the candle-count right Peter :) - this comes from Count as well x
  8. 21 today? MHR
  9. Bought myself some of these bad boys...

    new gloves 015.jpg
    Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeee:tongue:

    new gloves 015.jpg
  10. Happy Birthday, my wife's as well today
  11. Hope you had a good one!
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