It's ok ...........

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. ...... the economy is sorted, there has been a revival on the high street and house prices are back up :rolleyes:.
  2. that's great news...!! :frown:
  3. Just when I'm thinking of moving...:rolleyes:
  4. According the the Daily Mail, that's it, I'm now going to make some big financial decisions, everything is back to normal :rolleyes:
  5. ... and the Eurozone has returned to growth, the Euro has stabilised, the bank bailouts have worked, the bond rates are down, etc etc. So the prophets of doom & catastrophe should feel free to apologise now.
  6. [​IMG]
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  7. Plus of course, statistics and economics can be made to prove anything............
  8. Can someone please tell my boss so that my pay cut of 12.5% is reinstated and that subsequent pay rises due to inflation are enacted?

    Until then its bollox.
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  9. So success is the absence of doom and catastrophe ?
  10. joking aside the construction industry is definitely starting to pick up, we have more tenders in than we can price and have picked up 4 new jobs in the last 2 weeks...
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