I accidentally caught a bit of one of the Police documentaries which I generally avoid watching for the sake of my blood pressure. These two scumbags were ripping around Sheffield on off road motorcycles. The Police had the helicopter after them and five traffic cars. They had no Helmets, no tax,no Insurance,no licence, endangering life by riding at speed on footpaths, evading Police etc etc. After about 45 minutes they finally gave up. I imagine the cost of apprehension to be in the tens of thousands of pounds. The Police were then verbally abused by said scrotes and their inbred benefit scrounging families. Justice came in the form of a £200 fine and 6 points. IS IT ANY WONDER THESE WASTE OF VITAL HUMAN ORGANS CONTINUE TO BLIGHT SOCIETY?
I think Jerry, your first mark was correct. A bit of gratuitous swearing and use of exclamation marks may have crept it to a 6
Hang on fella's, your being unfair. That was not a rant lol! I was calm whilst typing. It was merely an observation. It always puzzles me how the dregs of society usually get away with feck all of a fine whilst a friend of mine was fined £700 recently for the single issue of having no insurance and 6 points. Everything else was fully legal and he had not committed any traffic offences. He explained the error but was hammered anyway. Why can't we hammer the tossers that actually deserve hammering? Would I be better off not paying bike insurance/tax/mot etc, remove my number plate and if I get a tug from the law, simply give it a big handful? Could I be guaranteed a £200 fine? If not, why? Am I being discriminated against as I work for a living? Why should I be punished more severely simply because I do not sponge from the state?
I think he loses 1.5 marks for explaining that it wasnt a rant. So its maybe about a 4 now. Disappointing.
I'm saying nothing. Ive had coppers chase me (unsuccessfully) on my Lambretta. I may too have gesticulated once or twice. Also, when young, if were just hanging around like you do as a yoof and plod drove by, we would just run. The coppers would then chase us automatically. We hadnt done nothing, we'd just run for the craic of the chase.
I am thinking, with all the new groups that are emerging, that if a white working law abiding person is fined more than a non working scumbag is for a similar crime, could this now be classed as a "hate crime"? Could I gain access to a state solicitor and a translator as my accent is quite broad. I know some folks will say its all about earnings when it comes to fines but ff sake, some of them earn more than me from the state let alone their criminal gains. ( do I get an extra point for the " ff sake"?
surely, if you get a tug from the law, you'd be far too relaxed to give it a big handful. Most guys just fall asleep.
I think that's harsh Jerry, you haven't even taken account of the use of capital letters during sumup
I've seen that particular show a few times, it was Sheffield iirc. A proper family of scum bags. I'm amazed at the crap the police have to put up with in this country. Try it in America and see what happens.........BANG !
That is because we no longer have a police force, we now have a police service. The cops with cameras programs seem to deal with a large volume of petty crime committed by people with little to lose and even less to fear.
i think we need to celebrate the family and deal with them with dignity and respect to ensure trust and confidence...
It really makes my piss boil when the punishment for these scum bags is points on their licence....... That'll be the licence that they haven't got!