So I've had a deposit on a new S1000RR for next year for a while. After really wanting a 1299s but worrying about noise limits it seemed the sensible choice and something pretty trick. I've been thinking a lot over the last week and with it not going to arrive until around May I'm going to miss half the year by the time it's run in etc and I'm not prepared to wait that long! Also I've got a 4 day trip to Almeria booked in March and I really want a new bike for it. So last night I decided I'd go and pull my deposit and start looking for something in stock that I could get my hands on pretty quickly, with my 30th in just over a week I needed a present! So after I went to BMW I trotted down to Ducati and left the proud owner of this 2018 2k miles V4S After doing a bit of research it seems on standard cans I shouldn't have too much trouble on track so thought I'd take the risk, hopefully it's the right choice.
You will love it. And you're right. I bought mine in March and didn't get to the track until July. Missed loads of that brilliant summer. (Nobody told me Ducatis take 1500 miles to run in.)