@ phill boag - which is exactly my point. If you've not heard of him, go look him up. Don't just post "who" on a thread where other people obviously do know who he was...
I imagine more havent than have. whats wrong with you enlightening those that haven't heard of him since you were a fanboy.
Never heard of him either, but at least there are some who have. I'm sure PB didn't mean any disrespect in anyway, it was just a simple question :smile:
PB... you may not have meant any disrespect... but that is the way it could be viewed. Imagine someone you look up to dieing, and then someone saying "never heard of him..." how would that make you feel ?
another way of looking at it J is.... imagine you were in a conversation with someone and you said "hey did you know JJ cale has died" and they say "who" you wouldnt tell them call them disrespectful and tell them to google it....youd go onto explain and enlighten. if find your response just as ignorant as you find mine.. I imagine many couldnt care less as to respond to this post and looking at the amount of replies I think thats true. many would rather play the word game.... ....so forgive me for bothering to show any interest at all in the first place