1200 Jerky In Forth Gear Gear Only.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by budha, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. hi anyone had trouble with jerking/missing in forth gear only. Multi 1200 get 2014. usually happens when initially going into gear then can settle but seems to come back after throttle down then acceleration. Fingers crossed.
  2. I got all jerky in whatever gear I was wearing when I first saw that Pikes Peak....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. What revs and speed are you looking at ? Andy
  4. Slack or worn chain ?
  5. Various speeds and revs tbh.
  6. Chain is sound.
  7. Empty the fuel tank & pop in fresh liquid gold.
  8. Only happens in forth gear. Dodgy fuel would be all gears/general running issues. It goes like stink in all other gears
  9. Well that's thrown my favourite problem out of the window. Really odd as the symptom only noticed changing into 4th sort of rules out the usual suspects like TPS and the various pick up sensors. Sorry I can't be of any help with this one but hope you get it sorted. Andy
  10. Oh dear looks like gearbox.....9000 miles
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