the old is about a million years but has liquid blood which has been taken. scientists think they may be able to clone the animal... Yahoo! News UK & Ireland - Latest World News & UK News Headlines
God will strike down a plague of velociraptors on mankind for bringing such abomination into the world after He removed them
It's not really possible to clone a sheep that died yesterday, let alone an extinct species from 10,000 years ago, and very difficult to clone one that is still alive right now. OK reality is boring I know, but the story is entertaining.
assuming they do clone it, what will they do with it, it became extinct for a reason - climate change & lack of food, will it survive a second time around?
I thought a live animal was needed to clone something........Y'know, one BMW rider = Millions of the b*ggers! :wink:
Not the impression I gained from reading this: Cloning Woolly Mammoths: It’s the Ecology, Stupid | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network
The Science apart, but whats the point? 'WARNING ENRIVO MOMENT' Why dont we try and save some of the species that are already here rather than breeding something just so it can sit in a cage for people to look at. A real life King Kong...the good 30's version, not the Jeff Bridges or Adrian Brody remakes
Read the link I put up and you'll get the idea. The "point" is that it would be cool, like having a blue whale in the world is cool, or a giant anteater. It's just enriching. Imagine if you could bring back the dodo (which looked like a pretty fun bird) - wouldn't that be great? Naturally, there are those who don't really give a flying fuck about animals, but for the rest of us, having a mammoth in the world (or preferably a herd or two) would just be a GOOD THING.