Just done this!

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Stebinners, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Hi, just spent the day buffing pipes! What u think?

    ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1358004066.828621.jpg

    ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1358004081.421005.jpg

    ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1358004101.992101.jpg
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  2. They look fantastic !

    I'm thinking of doing the same with mine, I'm assuming you used some sort of gadgetry assistance and compound ?
  3. Red compound, buffing mop wheel on drill, and a dremmel for hard to get bits. And autosol and rag to finish
    • Like Like x 1
  4. I approve :wink:
  5. Very nice
  6. Stebs, is that red compound you mention above called Ferrecla?
  7. Go on ebay and look for red rouge compound... Get a big bar for a couple of quid.
  8. Yer can't beat polishing yer pipe on a Saturday afternoon......Or any other time now I think about it!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Great job! That looks amazing!
  10. Keep thinking of doing mine but once you have done them they have to be kept that way. Not sure I would spend the time and would then be pissed with myself every time I looked at what I had neglected.

    Regards Steve
  11. Once they're done it doesn't take much to keep on top of it.
  12. I agree just get yourself a jar of "NeverDull" and do it once every 2 weeks & it look like new!
  13. Looks awesome - makes my rather sad grungy downpipes look even worse in comparison.

    Don't suppose you polish bike pipes in exchange for beer or white chocolate ice cream ...
  14. I'd do anything for white chocolate Ice cream !!!!! ..... But I can't do that :)
  15. My pipes are lovely :) :)
    And brown :( :( :(
  16. Looking good there :biggrin:
  17. shiiinnyyy
  18. Cough
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