So I've just had the hyper remapped by Mark at BSD. Very happy with the results! Mods I've done are mivv headers, SC project exhaust can and a MWR air filter. (The big 1 which replaces the top half of the airbox) Results are: 95.6HP - 74.3ft/lb of torque Pulls like a train! Although Mark did say he would like another hour of tweaking to get it perfect so gotta go back in a couple of weeks. The noise from the MWR filter is insane, really loud! Overall very impressed.
Hi there, did u get the parts from the US or here in the UK .... also what does a dyno session cost these days inc a reflash ... pm if u want
I got the MWR filter from Mivv headers came direct from Mivv in Italy and the SC project exhaust came direct from SC in Italy too. Both were faultless orders and delivered within a few days. It works out bit cheaper ordering from Italy as the pound is/was strong against the euro... Mapping was £450 all in. These bikes really need their fuelling sorted. It's so smooth after and all surging has gone. MPG is better too. Win win all round