Just posted my CV off

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. To Nigella,

    Please let me be your personal assistant - I'll work for nothing so long as I look after the credit card and as to the drugs, my lips will be sealed (same as my nostrils)......
  2. Snap..except mine said I'll wprk for nothind with hpurs as long as needed, also willing to scrub her back and help her dress
  3. I'm also in !

    I will powder her big fat bum.
  4. or you could be the defence legal team…………screw the whole case up with a re emphasis on exploding an occasional habit into a case winning focus
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  5. she is still just bloody annoying.

    ( signed, a nay-sayer)
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  6. I suspect the hand of Saatchi :wink:
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