How do you clean your bike ?. what products do you use and which are the best for different areas of the bike?. And how the heck do you keep the crud out of the back of the fins and keep the engine looking good ?. Im also having problems keeping the first six inches or so of down pipes looking good. They`ve gone dark brown with patches of rust ( i thought there stainless ? ) and whatever i use cant stop it spreading:frown:. Any tips and ideas appericated as i what to keep it looking A1.
SDoc 100 and for the pipes wet bead blast machine......I work in a jet engine overhaul shop so there are certain perks that come with the job:biggrin:
Hi Sprocket you need acf-50 to stop the rust, used anywhere to stop rust and drive out water. and putoline chain and engine degreaser is the best cleaner full stop.