999 Key Code Symbol

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by Kingfixer, Oct 1, 2016.

  1. went to start my 999 today as my brother wanted to hear it fired up and it wouldn't start, then I noticed the key code symbol was on. This has never happened before and I only used the bike about 10 days ago. Any clues to why this has happened ???
    The bike has never had any problems starting before !! Tried both keys...nothing.
  2. The chip antenna is under the ignition lock shroud. Has it slipped down.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. That's the first thing I will check then !!
  4. No the antenna looks ok and in the correct place ??
  5. King, are you getting a decent voltage indication on the dash (no lights >12.3 after the ignition system and fuel pump have initialized?). Have recently had my 999 let me down by not starting one morning and it showed the key symbol. Freshly charged battery the bike had no issues but 4-5 days later problem reappeared - an excuse to get rid of the Motobat and go back to a Yuasa. No starting issues since.
  6. Mine shows 12.2 after switch on , when I say it won't start I mean there is absolutely nothing when you press the start button even when it shows 12.2. I was out on it only about 10 days ago ?
  7. Avanti racing site has a load of useful info on diagnostics, check it out.
  8. Try a different key?
  9. Yeah tried all the keys just in case but no difference.
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