1260 Key Fob

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by suruppak, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. Well, on Sunday I lost my key fob. I used it at the gas station to fill up, then put it in my pants pocket and it wasn't there when I got home. I drove back and forth over the route to no avail. When you are geared up, you can't tell if it's in your pocket, and I didn't see an alert on the dash.

    On my 2011 Multi, there was a sweet little key holder built right into the dash! I have no idea why they removed that brilliant little cubby hole!? Anyway, where do you keep your key fob? I can't really find a tank bag that doesn't interfere with my handlebars at full lock (I have Rox Risers).
  2. i'd never leave the key attached to the bike. heard too many stories about scooter hijackings.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Landyard?
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  4. Which is why you should buy a ducati lanyard.
  5. Lanyard. Fob and earplugs/case kept on there.
  6. I don't even use my keys on a lanyard around my neck, it just means when my key is been used to open the fuel cap. Or doing my garage/home door I cannot miss it because of the stupidly long glowing red thing attached too it. Inner molded ear-buds do reduce tinnitus effects of race-exhausts!
  7. Buy the Ducati / Touratech Handlebar bag - Sold for Enduro - but fits a standard DVT - so probably 1260 too

    You can keep your keys and wallet in there along with your phone

    But as others have said not good if you get bike napped... also as your a USA guy - room enough for a small .38 or 9mm for those bike jackers...

    It has a zip pocket on top flap ideal for key - I put mine back in key safe when I get home - just incase garage is broken into..
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  8. I keep mine in the inner zipped pocket of my jacket with nothing else. Less chance of accidentally pulling it out when getting something else out. Also just ordered a blank spare key for using on the petrol cap and seat, just in case I do lose or break the fob key.
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  9. Keyless keyless fuel cap. Problem solved.
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  10. I have a nifty little zip up fob holder that I got from Ducati. It has a spring loaded thingamagodgie that clips onto other thingamagodgies. So it's easy to hook onto a split ring inside my jacket. Works a treat:upyeah:
  11. Maybe you could explain the 2 different thingamagodgies with photos?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Awwwww......come on, everyone knows what a thingamagodgie is, it fits onto a whatyoumacallit o_O
  13. A Welsh thingamibobe may be different. You should know we are quite different from our cousins
  14. Ahhhhhh............forgot about that.
  15. With only one fob delivered with the bike, I attached a TrackR to mine. Bluetooth with app for showing last known position and beeper if lost.

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  16. I usually leave my key in the under seat hole in error, ridden 50 miles and only realised I didn't have the key in my pocket when wanting to fill up. Luckily the key was still in there.
    I have saved myself this problem by using a bike lock reminder attached to my zip hole in my jacket pocket. Easy for the opening tank and under seat lock.

    I ride in London and won't leave anything attached to the bike, especially not a phone attached to my handlebars.

  17. Bought a dumb key that I either have on a lanyard around my neck or in the tank bag; used for fuel filler, panniers, top-case and seat as required. This was £15 delivered cut from a photo by Express Keys and Lock Services. The transponder key remains in a zipped pocket of my riding jacket throughout the days ride.
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  18. Likewise I do the same, and I've still ridden all the way home from London with the dumb key in the seat lock!

    At least it wouldn't be so expensive if it fell out!
    #19 Twin4me, Dec 4, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2019
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  19. If I were to lose my key whilst riding (say it was left in the pannier and fell out), would the dashboard let me know it was missing?

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