Kick Azz 2

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. It has a purple Panigale in it ridden by a 15 year old girl! Problem is, they've given it an IL4 soundtrack which is a bit disappointing...
  2. Or you could look at it as norm. They do it in 90% movies.
  3. Didn't The Matrix also have an IL4 noise on the black Ducati?...
  4. Yes, we actually did a thread here about Ducati in movies and then it turned in to one with Ducati sound.

    Arrow has Diavel with Diavel sound.
  5. Does it actually matter? Were any kittens killed in the making of the movie?? :rolleyes:
  6. have you woken up grumpy today El T??...
  7. I wake up grumpy every morning :mad:
  8. Only coz dopey doesn't like his T first
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