Knockhill Weekender 30-31st May

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by magic1, May 13, 2015.

  1. After feeling a bit lack lustre at my last few trackdays I thought I would try somewhere new to hopefully get the buzz back again.
    Knockhill is one of only three circuits in the world licensed to run opposite direction. Sat will be clockwise, sunday anti-clockwise. (would have preferred same direction both days to get to learn it tough) I am very much looking foreward to it, and yes I will take wets and warm clothing:upyeah:
  2. Enjoy. Do wonde what the likes of Brands would be backwards..
  3. Knocks reverse Satdy !
    I should be there, hopefully it'll be dry, can't be bothered riding in wet, it's hard enough trying to stay on in dry !!
  4. Good day at knockhill satdy !!
    Bit windy but stayed dry, Duc running good !!
    Tyres had seen better after as they were used over in Spain also !-)

  5. You got the better of the two days that's for shure. Sunday really did have four seasons in one day. 3 o`clock saw the arrival of hail ( don't think you can get a tyre for that) so skipped last two sessions.
    Good to meet you anyway ( mark, the disgruntled ex 1098 owner swapped it for Japanese "reliability" in the form of the zx10 which kept cutting out on the day):mad:
  6. Hi Mark nice to meet, hope you enjoyed the weekend up at Knock !!
    You didn't do too bad with the weather then in the end !-)
  7. Or Cadwell.... Fucking hilarious, especially the mountain.
  8. If you want to try a left hand Gerrards !!
    Try Aragon I can recommend !-)
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