I just picked this up on Twitter via a Tweet from Neil Spalding, I didn't know who he was but I was amazed that someone would effectively lay a trap for anyone, what next!! RIP Kurt Caselli Details are still sketchy at the moment, but we are hearing reports that KTM’s Kurt Caselli suffered a fatal head injury in a crash at the Score International Baja 1000 today. Rumors have the Californian hitting a booby trap on the course, and passing away en route to the hospital. Caselli, 30, is highly regarded as the most accomplished and talented American off-road racer, and has won championships in virtually every form of off-road motorcycle racing discipline. We will post more as official news is released. This summer, our friends at Dirt Bike Magazine put together this excellent video, highlighting Caselli’s versatility as an off-road racer.
unbelievable...as if the sport isnt dangerous enough....does anyone remember when the idiots booby trapped Central Park during one of the marathons? They put metal spikes into the ground....some people are just scumbags.
Yes Rimp they are , and soon we'll get the brigade turning up defending them , and telling us what their human rights are.
Racer Kurt Caselli Killed By Booby Trap At The Baja 1000 KURT CASELLI TRAGICALLY KILLED IN BAJA | News | Dirt Bike Magazine R.I.P. Kurt Caselli - Score Baja Racing 2013 - Cycle News Madness... Whoever is responsible for this should be shot !
'Apparently' they (spectators) do this every year to add excitement, usually from what I read its stuff like placing obstacles or digging ditches and has become almost 'the norm' pretty fucking stupid isn't it
why not get that murdering bitch from the lion hunting thread to take a few pot shots at them too....throw some adrenalin into the mix.. OR..... if the spectators want some real excitement.... why not have a go your fkn self, if youve got the balls?
Oh you Daily Mail readers you...read the update. They say he hit a small animal, it was in daylight and no where near spectators. The 'booby traps' are jumps predominantly allegedly not like they are hiding scaffold pipes in the sand Sad loss as these things always are. RIP fellow biker
i sincerely hope youre proven correct Bradders, because the thought that he was killed because of some pencil neck twot trying to be clever beggars belief.
The guy who was one of first on scene comments there were no traps, no spectators or anything else. His teammate and him stopped and tried to help until assistance arrived. KTM have said they found remnants of said small animal in wreckage of bike