Annnddddd......away you go.... Biker caught speeding after police watch footage taken from his helmet camera | Mail Online
I think this says as much about moronic reporting as moronic bikers, quotes below: - Reckless biker has been banned from the roads after filming himself speeding, jumping red lights and pulling wheelies on his high-powered bike. - The officers estimated he was riding at around 60mph in a 30mph zone and had no headlight on his KTM 125cc motocross bike. High powered bike? Will anyone in the UK consider a 125 high powered, or is this wording just being used by MailOnline to stereo-type and create argument? He is surely an idiot though!
The Daily Fascist likes to over dramatize everything....maybe if he didn't get hooked up in the old "gotta post everything on the net" type culture then he would have probably got away with a much less severe fine...
Well, yeah - I did think about borrowing my mates go pro for the TT this year (mountain section only) but I don't think ill bother...
The main reason was so, if my mate had it mounted - I could see how I ride myself, body position, stance etc etc, educational purposes....the main reason is so I can see the lean angle myself while it me or does anyone else see this? I always feel that its further over than it really is....could be just me....
Why not take your camera on the TT course, outside of the towns and villages there are no speed limits so unless your riding like a complete and utter knobber you'll be fine. Infact if you ride sensibly your bound to capture some stupid riding which could result in you getting some top footage at other peoples expense.
Yeah - that's the problem - its the TT and ive gotta be honest - ive got carried away before....couple of years ago got a 200 quid fine just for opening up my old hyper just outside a village...
I guess they same reason they film themselves doing law abiding, boring stuff. Although, I can't imagine what that reason would be.
Personally thought it was great, brought back memories of what it was like to be spotty and unthinking of any consequence. That, my old fogie friends, is called yoof Although the no lights was a pull waiting to happen. Tit
Not that I have a camera myself, but, if you were to film yourself doing some 'spirited' riding ( As most do ), you cannot see the speedo, you are not speeding in town etc, etc but you can tell from the footage that the odd over rise wheelie has taken place can they 'prove' you were speeding etc or doing anything wrong and prosecute from a video that 'looks' as though you were going fast. Just dozens of people are buying cameras and filming themselves, some showing the speedo and pulling wheelies etc which is asking for bother but others you can tell from the footage that they are into the high 100's but can this be proved ? If anyone gets stopped and plod sees a camera just wondering how many could actually be done for something.
White lines are a standard length so I'd imagine they would be able to calculate your speed from that.
Cameras are notorious for focus, my ghost wasn't too bad but the wider the lens, the more fish eye its seems to give and the faster you appear to be going..or slower...cant remember which
Surely its a continuous curvature so a little bit of maths, carefully applied, could sort that out. The yanks have some piece of kit that can work out the layout of a room by the reflection of light on the outside of a window. I think finding speed from on-bike footage should be easy.
They have almost definitely got it wrong at £3500 and spent a further £4k on it, but 250 hours community service, losing the bike and the camera plus a ban and a £60 victim surcharge seems well over the top. There was not really any speeding, a few slow but to my mind, nice controlled wheelies ( bar one) no kittens harmed. He should have been off his face on pcp, stolen bike in a busy town centre and most importantly out of work. Probably would have got sent on a nice holiday.