Land rover and NYC bikers gang video

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by damodici, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. I'm not sure if you've seen this but its on a fair few news outlets ATM.

    now although I don't condone running people/bikes over what so ever you have to admit this bunch of fucking halfwit wankers really don't do themselves many favours, I mean they're blatantly just ripping up the roads in an intimidating fashion well before this kicks off. Ok maybe it's just a bit of fun but I get the feeling there's more to it than that

    the guy the range rover bumps in to initially which kicks off proceedings seems to purposely brake check the guy driving.

    now I'm not sure an actual person gets ran over but some bikes do, the guy had his wife and kids in the car so given your surrounded by kids on bikes in New York, possibly guns, knifes etc...... What would you do?

    #1 damodici, Sep 30, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  2. This is America, not Europe. If you act like that, somebody will take out a gun and shoot you.
    [I am quoting my mother-in-law, who lives in Florida, and used to live in New York].
  3. The pack instinct gives 'em courage to behave like hyenas harassing a wounded buffalo - scary stuff
  4. If I had my family in the car I would do the same. If you sit still for too long you will be surrounded. We don't know what threat the guy faced at the start as it's not clear, however it was obviously enough for him to make the quick decision to get out of the situation.
  5. A pity you did not link to the whole article. After the video stops the driver was apparently slashed across the face and chest.

    The article is in today's NYDailyNews.

    Unbelievable and no wonder "bikers" get such a bad rep, irrespective of what kicked this all off.
  6. There a few people at fault there. The bikes for not ensuring the safety of other road users, the rangie for the initial hit, the people(s) for threatened him scaring him into making him ride over the other bikes, and finally all those who chased and attacked him
    A truly horrible event for all involved, which makes me very sad :frown:
  7. The whole affair is appalling, but nothing that happens in the USA surprises me anymore, talk about the decline of civilisation.
  8. let alone the hero for videoing it all, and then it ending up on youtube....
  9. Me too.

    the guy whether right or wrong for bumping that first bike was probably already being harassed, it certainly looked like it as the guy he hit first was riding alongside giving the car driver a stare or two as he probably felt brave being with all his fellow crew members.

    at the end of the day as it's been said above, in America they're all so quick to settle arguments with a gun, with all of them wearing full face helmets positive ids would have been hard so a strong possibility one of them would've done something in the mindset they'd get away with it or maybe not, but hang around to find out? Nope.

    if it was me with my family I'd hope I'd of been calm enough to just get on the inside lane first in the hope they'd pass and piss off, if I was then still being harassed like that I'd of put the rangey bumpers in to good use as well.

    shocking non the less, god bless America ;)
  10. I would not only have driven over the bikes but also anyone on them as well. that is so scarey,it actually reminds me of the two soldiers killed in Belfast live on tv. I would have no second thoughts of driving over any of them.
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