Land Rover Defender and Dodge Ram - Tug-o-war

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Oct 14, 2013.

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  1. Who'd have thunk it :smile:
  2. Nice to see substance over style. So often it seems to be seen the other way around.
  3. actually made me quite proud even though i have nothing to do with any of it whatsoever..david vs goliath, science over ignorance, substance over style..
    i hope this gets uploaded onto youtube and to the third world (america)...there will be great bitter and twisted comments from the yanks..'i bet it wouldnt beat' this, that and the other monstrosity..
  4. pleased with result but 4wd v. 2wd a little unfair :)
  5. Who's interested in fair? Its good to see a big pile of blinged up, over marketed, style over substance, pooh having its bottom kicked by a tidy little piece of properly engineered automobile :biggrin:. And the fact that the winner is British makes it all the better. Now, who was it, on which thread, implying that British engineering did not produce items of excellence?
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  6. it's no good you'll have to give us a better clue - Jeremy Clarkson?
  7. I would not have given it a chance. Nice one

    Regards Steve
  8. who cares about 4x4 vs 2x4..anyway, most of those stupid, ostentatious RAM's have twin rear axles, and produce about 10,000 (american) horsepower..but as ever, barn door engineering gets nowhere...

    for you amusement check out the landrover vs wrangler jeep vids on youtube where they always inevitably get their butts nicked and then the yanks piss and moan about 'they shouldve used the 28 litre model' etc etc

    yank motors are sh1te, lets face facts here.

    it takes pontiac about 5 litres to produce the same power as subaru can with 2 ltrs...and it STILL wont go around corners, or stop....
  9. I do - ok? :upyeah:
  10. "Land Rover" and "properly engineered" - there's two phrases you don't see together very often. Whoever said that obviously doesn't have to drive one of the badly made, old-fashioned, noisy, rattling, pieces of junk ! A body that can trace its history back to the 1950's bolted on to a chassis that started life in the 1970's... And now powered by the engine from a Ford Transit. Yeah, top quality kit ! Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I don't like them - just that "excellence" is definitely not what they are about ! And before anyone tells me I don't know what I'm talking about, I have two - a 110 Defender works vehicle, and a 90 for personal use. Oh, and the longest stretch of tarmac anywhere on the Island is 7 miles long, the rest of the "roads" are gravel tracks at best...
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  11. If you look at the guys other videos one shows the Ram towing a silage trailer being loaded.
  12. I've driven both, and as long as I don't have to pick up the fuel bill (for either) I'd take the Ram every time. They are proper feckin' fast:eek:
  13. The Ram will loose in a straight pull against a Land Rover because it is two wheel drive with no weight over the driving wheels and the Land Rover is four wheel drive. Put a Land Rover up against a Mercedes G-Wagon, or a Toyota Land Cruiser and it might be a slightly different result...
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  14. I've been to many off road events, and Land Rovers are normally on standby to pull all other brands out of trouble when they get stuck. As for US "vehicles", they are about as subtle as a turd in a swimming pool and just as much use.
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  15. I have marshalled at many long-distance trials over the years and have seen some people get front-wheel-drive hatchbacks into places that you wouldn't think possible ( have a look here MCC ¦ The Motor Cycling Club ¦ 110 Years of Motorsport ) - a lot of the skill of it is about how you get the power down and how you maintain traction/momentum. We normally have a Land Rover or Range Rover as a recovery vehicle - but having said that I have seen a stuck Land Rover that had to be rescued by a G-Wagon...
  16. My mate used to compete in some or other offroad competition, and he reckoned their weapon of choice when it came to extracting stuck vehicles was a Lada Niva. He reckoned there was nothing that motor couldn't get over.
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  17. Lada Niva - designed to survive winters in Siberia - pretty damn tough !
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