Laptop To Supersport

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Philip Richmond-Cole, Jul 18, 2020.

  1. Hi
    Today I finally put together and work it out and open up the laptop and press the button for the Melcodiag and bingo the red picture appeared and all the detailed for the Ducati Supersport. That's great, but it's not. The only thing I wanted to do was to reset. Every time I turn on I beat the word ANNUAL across the dashboard , then the word service per entry. Dose any one how the do it to get ride of this.
  2. Thread moved
  3. What do you mean?
  4. I mean it was in the wrong section and therefore unlikely to get an answer
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. I have heard that Torque for Android (lite or pro) works on the Supersport. Hopefully @Derek will confirm.
    #5 chrisw, Jul 18, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2020
  6. Melcodiag will communicate with the Supersport ECU and enable a few checks and will read error codes but will NOT reset any of the service warnings.
    Torque (and the free Torque Lite) will also readily communicate with the ECU and read and clear error codes but won't clear service warnings either.
    I'm stuck in the same boat with my Supersport with an "ANNUAL" warning at each switch on. My Scrambler has also been stuck with a "DESMO" service indicator for the last year. The servicing has all been done by myself and until someone comes up with a solution I'll just ignore the warnings.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  7. Thinking about this, I suspect that all of the current Ducatis will connect to Torque and similar apps. For 2021 to meet Euro 5 regs, all bikes have to be fully ODB compliant which means that we should be able to read and clear DTCs easily but alas that will not change the ability to clear service warnings.
  8. I'm looking into all this ECU-diagnostics stuff myself as I'm now out of warranty. As far as I know, my 2018 Hyper has a Siemens M3C ECU and, so far, I've done the easy bit - identifying the correct cables. All the JPDiag web info looks a bit out of date; does anyone know what's the best (low cost) software to use for this ECU? My main use would be to read & reset error codes and, of course, the 'service' notifications...
    #8 Keith_P, Jul 18, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2020
  9. I think that in fact the 2018 Hyper uses the later M3D ECU as also used in the Supersport and Monsters 821 and 1200.
    Melcodiag should partially work but will do no resets.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Thanks Derek - I'm going to get the cables anyway and get Melcodiag for now. Just have to wait until I can find some 'reset' software...
  11. It's a ticklish problem
    I was looking at it only a couple of weeks back ..... just digging for some clues as to a way in .

    The dealers can do it , so it must be doable at home ( with sufficient reverse-engineering , and patience )
    I had some notes on my desk , but it's a total mess on there ..... :cold_sweat:

    There's a bit on here about using RealTerm to send commands
  12. Interesting. I already have the cables and an ELM327 but it's using RealTerm or similar serial terminal programs that will probably defeat me.
  13. I know what you're saying , but most of these things are much less daunting when you actually get stuck in ,
    and start getting your hands dirty .

    Here's another interesting one ( forgot to put this link in earlier )

    " The aim of the game is to identify a way to get onto the bus, and then analyse the messages going across the bus

    For this kind of project, where the thing that you’re trying to hack is expensive and you’ve only got one, I’ve found that relying on logic and building a solid understanding of the system prior to doing any actual hands-on hacking is a great way to avoid potential headaches and hash out potential exploits early on. Think of it like a design-review with no design.

    For example, we know that the bike uses CAN bus because the factory workshop manual tells us so. The manual explains the relationship between the dashboard and the main ECU, and which sensors terminate where "
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  14. That's a really useful link. Now I'm beginning to get interested in following this up.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Have you tried TeraTerm, it has its own macro language, which I found well documented.

    (Sorry, I’m not 100% sure what commands etc you wish to send. apologies if I’m too far behind).
  16. Hi all, can anyone put me on the right track to find a diagnostic tool that I can use to check/cancel error codes, cancel the service light, etc.

  17. What bike?
  18. It just so happens that I know the owner/developer of Torque, he’s a very good friend of one of my sons.

    It looks as though you guys are looking to these diagnostic software packages to do something that they are not designed to do.

    I put the question “will it clear service warnings” and his response was “You don't generally need torque for that (and no every manufacturer is different for that they were not forced to standardise on an open system). Usually you just reset them by a combination of ignition off and ons whilst toggling or holding buttons down for xyz seconds (etc etc)”

    From this, which is what I have to do with my car, it would seem that you all have all that is necessary on the bike already. It’s just a question of finding the right procedure.

    I have asked if the manufacturers are obliged to divulge this information and if not can he suggest a way to find out?
  19. To reset service/Desmo requires diagnostic software not a series of button pushes on the bike.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. It seems you have an ST3. My own preference for these bikes is Scan5MX. You will need an Android phone or tablet. You will also need a Fiat 3-pin to 16 pin OBD adaptor and a Bluetooth ELM327 adaptor both available from London Electrical.

    Alternatively, you could use JPdiag on a Windows laptop. You will need the previous mentioned Fiat adaptor and a KKL adaptor which you can buy together as a kit from London Electrical. You will find all you need to know about it on the JPdiag forum.
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