Funny thing is, although desperandum is surely a gerund, I can't remember how to use them or how that phrase is constructed or works. Latin A level, but it was a long time ago (and hasn't come in all that handy since...).
I don't know Latin but if that's right its so funny, only a scouser could get calm down calm down wrong.
I think it is a gerundive, implying one must not despair. non desperandum est I didn't take A-level but I got an "A" at O-Level :biggrin: And no ... it really does not come in handy :smile:
There's one cartoon I wish I could find. First saw it in a Latin lesson. It was called "Macedonian Siege Engine" and featured a chap with a large mallet standing next to a bull elephant which had a large spear inserted in its trunk and its testes on a chopping block. I have not been able to track that picture down. Oops, thread drift ...
er.... sadly not really. I thought gerundives were adjectival, but passive adjective? You've lost me.
The verb is in the passive voice, but the gerundive takes the place of an adjective in the sentence by qualifying a noun. A gerund takes the place of a noun and is a bit like an infinitive, except that it declines. All clear now?
I learnt this Latin at the Odeon ....nowhere near St Custard's, but a place of great learning non the less.Centurion:What's this thing? "ROMANES EUNT DOMUS"? "People called Romanes they go the house?"Brian:It... it says "Romans go home".Centurion:No it doesn't. What's Latin for "Roman"?Brian hesitatesCenturion:Come on, come onBrianuncertain) "ROMANUS".Centurion:Goes like?Brian:"-ANUS".Centurion:Vocative plural of "-ANUS" is?Brian:"-ANI".Centuriontakes paintbrush from Brian and paints over) "RO-MA-NI". "EUNT"? What is "EUNT"?Brian:"Go".Centurion:Conjugate the verb "to go"!Brian:"IRE"; "EO", "IS", "IT", "IMUS", "ITIS", "EUNT".Centurion:So "EUNT" is ...?Brian:Third person plural present indicative, "they go".Centurion:But "Romans, go home!" is an order, so you must use the ...?He lifts Brian by his short hairsBrian:The ... imperative.Centurion:Which is?Brian:Um, oh, oh, "I", "I"!Centurion:How many Romans? (pulls harder)Brianlural, plural! "ITE".Centurion strikes over "EUNT" and paints "ITE" on the wallCenturion:"I-TE". "DOMUS"? Nominative? "Go home", this is motion towards, isn't it, boy?Brianvery anxious) Dative?Centurion draws his sword and holds it to Brian's throatBrian:Ahh! No, ablative, ablative, sir. No, the, accusative, accusative, ah, DOMUM, sir.Centurion:Except that "DOMUS" takes the ...?Brian:... the locative, sir!Centurion:Which is?Brian:"DOMUM".Centurionsatisfied) "DOMUM"...He strikes out "DOMUS" and writes "DOMUM"Centurian:..."-MUM". Understand?Brian:Yes sir.Centurion:Now write it down a hundred times.Brian:Yes sir, thank you sir, hail Caesar, sir.Centurionsaluting) Hail Caesar. If it's not done by sunrise, I'll cut your balls off.Brianvery relieved) Oh thank you sir, thank you sir, hail Caesar and everything, sir!