1200 Lcd Dot Matrix - Fault

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Stavrich, May 27, 2019.

  1. 1200s , 2013
    Strange "fault" with the LCD Dot Matrix display.
    The LCD Dot Matrix display ( round display ) when switching the ignition the initial "Ducati MTS 1200" is displayed, then it goes off and the display stays blank instead of next displaying the riding modes.

    Pressing the reset button, left handlebar, the riding modes appear. Everything else seems to be working fine.

    Has anybody else experienced this and any ideas how to put it right?
  2. Bloody dodgy Italian electrics, or ‘character’ as some prefer to label it!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. My first Multi did something similar after a software update following a service. It seemed to gain a blank screen but using the menu buttons to cycle through each screen it was fine and operated normally.

    Like yours it was only on start up but worked fine afterwards.

    That particular service was done by an independent not main the Ducati dealer so might have been his kit that caused it
  4. @Bigyin - thanks for your input. I cycled through all the screens but still I have the first screen after the "Ducati MTS 1200" blank.
    By pressing the reset or down key the Ride modes screen appears.

    Cannot find a way to do a hard reset - I have a paper clip on the ready but nothing to press :)
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