Pretty much as the title says. I've always run my bikes on super unleaded. This stems back to when I bought my first bike which was a 749s and the chap I bought it from said to run it on super unleaded which I did without question. This was until I was caught short and raided the loan mower can of ordinary unleaded. The bikes performance was noticeably affected, the acceleration was not as crisp, had the occasional stall and it took several more attempts than usual to start. Since then I've never tried running on unleaded again. This doesn't bother me, ok it costs more but it's not going to break the bank. I was wondering what you guys run your Panigale's on and if you've tried both did you notice any difference?. Jason. :smile:
just the usuall but might try it ,a few years ago we got a low grade fuel at Cartagena and you could tell the difference
Super. In my bike. The car gets any cheap old shit. I wasnt aware you could still buy leaded petrol. I once ran a lambretta on a can of fuel stolen from a friends garage (with his permission of course). Turned out to be some ultra exotic drag racing fuel for a top fuel drag racing boat. His sister was dating a guy and he left it in the garage. Scoot ran fucking great till it blew the fuck up after a few miles.
this is how iv been told, unleaded can still contain lead. just nun added. supper unleaded will have any trace lead removed. does this sound right to you guys? the lead in the fuel was added to reduce the combustibility of the fuel so you can run higher compressions and stop pre ignition? but i recon with knock sensors in engines for the last 20 years or so it shouldn't mater about possible engine damage. this is how i remember it from collage but again don't quote me on it. obviously there was the lead valve seat thing going on too
What really got me thinking was whilst out on a ride into the sticks the infamous yellow petrol came on, I stopped at a small village garage (the ones where they still come out and fill you up and treat you like you're the first person they've seen in months) and they didn't sell super unleaded neither did the next garage in the village down the road. Luckily with a bit of luck and a tail wind I made it back into civilisation and a proper garage but have to admit a mild panic nearly set in.
Interesting - I've checked the manual for my 900SSie and there does not appear to be any knock sensor in the relatively simple (compared to Panigale etc!) engine management circuitry. Then again, the book says 95-98 RON/Octane so regular unleaded (which is 95 I believe) should be fine. More modern systems should certainly be able to adjust to either 95 or 98 (Super) automatically but it's worth checking the book - my guess is that 95 should normally be stated as acceptable. The anti-knock cleverness does mean that more modern vehicles than my 900 can adjust ignition advance, with Super resulting in more advance so better engine efficiency, and I have observed this in a couple of cars - they will genuinely do slightly better MPG on Super (e.g. V Power), but not enough to justify the cost difference, and with no significant difference in driving behaviour (I'm talking basic VW Golf etc though). AFAIK you cannot get Leaded any more and it would damage a catalyst. I understand that most of our petrol these days has been adulterated to some extent with ethanol these days to save us from global warming.
Not sure about bikes, but my old M3 had knock sensors and ran better and produced more power on soooooper+. The ecu could tell and was more responsive. Have bikes got these yet ? Maybe the very latest ones ??? I dunno..
I run my 1199 on normal, I asked at the handover and was told normal 95 is what it should run on. On my BMWs, the F800GS runs on 95 but the RT prefers 98 Super unleaded. It doesn't run noticeably smoother or faster but it improves mpg. i wonder if there can be a problem running a bike designed for normal 95 but with 98 Super ?
I just use normal. Seems ok to me, but I might just try a tank of super unleaded next time to see if I notice any difference.
I used super when I got my 848, recently I have been using unleaded but will try some super, there is a school of thought that often super unleaded is compromised because forecourts sell so little compared to standard unleaded so it's often starting to go off. I'm not sure though whether this is true. My 848 seems to run better when being used all the time, the performance difference from running it more often is more noticeable than a change in fuel