Leathers - Fake Or Genuine??

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by kirks1989, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. Hi,

    Quick question for you all. Are these Ducati Leathers genuine? Is there anything that jumps out if they are/aren't?



    IMG_7900.JPG IMG_7901.JPG IMG_7902.JPG IMG_7903.JPG IMG_7904.JPG IMG_7905.JPG
  2. Hard to say definitely without seeing first hand, look genuine but quite old.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Look like the sets that were given away with 848’s.
    • Useful Useful x 2
  4. Look proper to me, tags,buttons etc. Pre 2010 when nike logo came out.
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  5. Are these pics provided by a seller?
    If so the fact there is a Tricolore in the background would give me a little confidence of honesty.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Yes, from the seller I purchased them from. I have no concerns but due to them being a little big I've placed them for sale. A number have people have contacted me questioning there authenticity so I just thought I'd ask.
  7. I've an old ducati jacket with quite similar stitching. I like the old style leathers, not to safe though.

    Make sure you use with a decent back protector and preferably chest protector.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  8. Thanks all. Much appreciated
  9. 'Made in Italy'
  10. Sarcasm?
  11. I wondered about the italy thing, none of my dainese are made there but some of it must be.
  12. The grain of the leather looks bang on, comparing to my other halfs jacket.
  13. If you take them into the "Gold and Silver Pawn Shop", in Las Vegas, Rick will know an expert he can bring in ? - just a thought.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  14. I have made in Italy Dainese, it far from new though.
  15. From the pics there’s nothing that looks suspect.
    If you really want piece of mind take them to a Dainese dealer.
  16. Looks legit... but I don't think its a real tricolore? assuming the only tricolore is the 1199s with ohlin forks? fake?:)
  17. Hadn’t noticed the forks :)
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