V4 Lever Adjustment..

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by AJL277, May 26, 2020.

  1. Anyone able to tell me the best way to get those little locating pegs out of the handlebar so I can adjust the levers?
    Don't want to mess them up and not get them out or be able to get the clamp back on.

    Cheers AJ
  2. Pair of pliers. Pull.
    Don’t get your hopes up, though. If you rotate the levers even a tiny amount you’ll get clearance problems on the fairings. Ask me how I know...
  3. Thanks razz I'll give it a go.
    I did see the next problem with the clearance.
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  4. Make sure you have a firm grip as they are really tight! I used some side cutters on mine and a little wooden block to pry against. So basically grip the pin as close to the bar then compress and draw it out but by bit adjusting the cutters as you go. You will only achieve a small amount of adjustment due to clearance, but enough to notice! :cool:
  5. Thanks Dave
    I managed to pull the front brake one out with the pliers but they just kept slipping off the clutch side.
    So top tip the side cutters worked.

    Thanks All
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