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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. The EU is socialist in the sense that it believes in big government, central control, tax and spend and redistribution of wealth.

    There is nothing hilarious about that.
  2. They make me laugh...
  3. Mistaken in each and every particular. Don't believe made up stuff you read in the Daily Mail.
  4. So were the OGPU.........
  5. The history of the world is full of individuals and alliances of individuals who have sought to take control of their tribe, village, district, region and country. Why would it be any different now on a global scale ?

    LIke any good conspiracy theory it probably takes a few half truths and rumours and mixes them into a credible story, but the underlying idea ? Who knows ?
  6. And it will always be thus. But if one group should succeed..?

    Heaven forbid.
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