Licencing question please!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ian, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. I passed my car test and bike tests in 1992. I'm thinking of going for my HGV licence at present. If I get it and pass, am I then at the mercy of the 'new driver six points and you're out' crap? If so would it wipe the car and bike test too?
    My licence is currently clean, somehow!
    Equally if a chum passes her bike test (car test passed 1993) does the same count? (Also clean licence.) if it does for her I'm quite sure she will sack the whole bike licence idea off as a bad idea!

  2. HGV,(now known as LGV),licences are vocational,and subject to different rules,so the "new driver" rules don't apply to licences already held.
    But, if you're a naughty boy,the Traffic Commissioner can suspend your vocational licence for reasons that wouldn't necessarily get you points on your car/bike licence.So you get to drive your car to work,but you can't drive a truck.
    It also used to be that if you got done for driving under the influence,you couldn't even get a provisional HGV licence until 10 years had elapsed,not sure if thats the case now though.
    Btw,you can look forward to 35 hrs useless classroom CPC training before you even get behind the wheel,courtesy of the EU.Our Government are bashing us over the head with it,("that'll be £75 a day + VAT per driver thank yew very much),5 days of listening to useless information spouted by gurning idiots who know nothing about road transport...
    Fyi,the only sector more highly regulated than road transport is the Aviation look forward to plenty of studying...
  3. I've got 21 hours so far towards my cpc, need 14 more before September, it's going to be tight :)
  4. With all the driving I do, I'm thinking about a change and getting a LCV license. Whats the money like?? Be nice not to have the kind of pressure I have for the last 20yrs
  5. Money's crap, 8-9 per hour depending I think locally
  6. My drivers do 55-60 hours per week, occasional Saturday, 6am start, so e of the outside haulers we use stay away Monday - Saturday sleeping in there trucks, no thank you :)
  7. You're right, thats crap. Mind you, if you get paid for every hour you work...
  8. I've got my fourth day tomorrow,doing the same subject as I did a fortnight ago because I wanted to do it locally.
    People are holding courses every weekend round here,if it's the same round your way you'll do it easy.
    You know the Germans/Dutch etc have given their hauliers till the end of 2016 to do it?
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