Locations To Get Married With / On Bikes?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Cookie4010, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. All,
    I'm not a weirdo honest, but I have a very random question. Does anyone know any nice location/venue within the UK where they'll conduct a wedding (not Church) with the bride & groom on or with their bikes. For some bazaar reason my partner and I think it would be a real novel idea? Any info will be appreciated.
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  2. Your an Honest Weirdo? ;)
  3. He said he's not......

    The Cameo Hotel, Copdock, Ipswich will probably do it, but I guess that is too far away.
  4. It's not that novel an idea. Some mates of mine were married this year on their bikes in Leeds.
  6. f1dd1d75d695c74185dacea8eb24ddbd.jpg 6c990ac55ed2ddeb7d3c8708d827b330.jpg
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  7. Friends got married at Arrow Mill in Cotswolds at the UKMOC weekender one year
  8. i had to read header twice. very strange...
  9. You crazy, madcap, whacky nutter, what are you like!
    Try Istanbul, bit of a hike, but they have a great bazaar
  10. Thanks Char for the steer, I've had a look at their website and it looks great.
  11. Lived by the Arrow Mill for 47 years and only went there last year for the first time for my mates wedding,it is set in a great location.
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