Hi, I've been out if the loop a bit and have just realised my 1098s Tricolore needs the big (belts & shims) 15000 mile service and my 749r needs the belts done. I know this is is not going to be cheap, but anyone got any cheaper than main dealer London ish recommendations? Both bikes are keepers, so I don't necessarily need the Ducati dealer stamp, I just need a decent job at a reasonable price. Cheers.
Allright h. Ducati Pro team, Medway. They pick your bikes up and drop them back. Alex has loads of great feedback on here as well.
Another vote for MD Racing, and you may like to consider Dave Robinson in Wandsworth, I've heard good things about him.
Pro Team, Alec is a top bloke, used to be a race mechanic for GR Ducati, serviced my bikes for years, very reasonable priced too. Avoid Vauxhall based dealer at all costs, crap service and exorbitant prices. I know Dave Robinson too, good bloke but a bit slow and not that cheap.
Many of Alec's customers are probably not aware of his riding abilities, I hear he was a demon rider on his 851 SP2. This from a fast rider friend.
Rosso Corse hands down. On ukmonster basically anyone in London goes to see him at one stage or another. Top bloke, top knowledge.
I haver never been! Latterly using Alec at Pro Team, great guy,van collection a real bonus,very fair pricing,well regarded amongst us, salad time?
1098s is booked in with Alec, very helpful chap & from the feedback on here it will be in good hands. Thanks for advice people. Salad sounds good - just need to organise it and get out of bed in the morning!