Before I get started I do appreciate this isn't the usual route of obtaining employment but I like to see it as thinking outside the box. It's an opportunistic approach but in my mind quite obvious especially with the wide range of industry's I know many of you work in. Anything that gives me the edge is always worth trying and the recruitment consultant's I've spoken with of late are 'relatively' helpful but clearly focused on many individuals and not just me (which I appreciate) Additionally I believe many of the members on this forum are either Business owners, Directors or Managers from a wide range of industries, so I hope to of timed this right and something may come of it. I've recently stepped down from my role as Commercial/Sales Manager from a company I've helped build and worked for during the last 3-4 years. It wasn't an easy decision but what with the direction the company was taking, the apparent (to me) financial woe's the owner was in and the obvious cost savings that were being implemented without my consultation I knew the time was right. I made the MD an offer, he accepted and so we went our separate ways. Frankly I'm relieved it's over and I've spent the last few week's considering my next move. Having spent the last 15 year's in my industry I honestly feel I just need a change. It's not an area I'd really like to continue working in as I simply don't have the interest in it any longer and just feel that at 36 years of age, with the experience I have it's time to learn new things and I have a long time left yet before retirement. The vast majority of my roles have been B2B sales based although generally of a consultative nature as I'm quite technically minded, approachable and good at client relations. I have experience in channel/dealer management, product management and of course sales team management. I've also been lucky enough to work for global manufacturers, distributors and more recently SME's so I'm used to varying degrees of company size & structure. The large format digital print world (my industry to date) is a fast paced environment, very technology driven and quite varied. With my background and knowledge I've generally been employed to provide full solutions. So in-depth knowledge on the high value capital equipment, the differing technologies they employ, the software and various substrates/chemicals used are where all my strengths lie and believe show how adaptable I can be. What I'd like to do is transfer some of those skills and experiences over to a new industry/market sector. It go's without saying that I'd be looking at taking a 'hierarchical step back' and an obvious cut in pay level initially but that's a trade off I'm willing to accept if presented with the opportunity. I'm determined to learn new things and without sounding over confident or complacent I know that I'm more than capable of learning new products, services & industries quite quickly. I'm very open to all roads/options as being honest I kind of fell in to digital print to start with so nothing is ever planned. If any members have an opportunity for me to look at or know of somebody that may have then I'd be very grateful if you could pm me and perhaps we can talk about things in more detail privately. I can also provide a range of references which should cover my abilities & character should anybody require them. Thank you all and sorry there was no mention of bikes in this very long drawn out post.
I wish you luck fella, but it isn't as easy out there as people keep telling us............ My advice (if it is worth one iota) having looked at your background above............If you can manage a sales team and talk to clients etc etc, start your own business up as a consultant............I know a little about print, but not enough to know where there would be a suitable niche........however, I do know that many big print companies are having difficulty......... maybe go down the advertising design and print must have access to PC and software etc; so nick some of your old clients, design their stuff for them but contract out any print work.....that way it keeps you expenditure lower. Just a thought............but I'm probably talking b*llox as usual....... My business is sh*te now.......everything has gone CGI with the exception of a few and while I was so busy with work, I never had enough time to keep up with the technology; made myself ill working very long hours for 15 years, therefore I got left behind and too old to change horses probably....... B&Q or Tescos for me now, mate.....
Damodici I have just made a change taking step back and pay cut as I got fed up with what I am doing now. Good luck there are options out there. First thing I notice when I did that I will not be managing anyone so loads of stupid shit off my shoulders. My advice do not put to much trust in recruitment consultants as you said they got many people to deal with. Many of them work on commission that is paid if person is employed and bonus if stays X amount of time. They will not put much effort to help you as you are time consuming high risk investment with no extra gain. Also stay the F away from hospitality unless you like not having life, average pay, working long hours about 40% of them FOC and lots of abuse from "celebrity or important" fuckers who think they are centre of universe.
I had been thinking something similar for quite some time but many of my previous clients are far too large to go through just me so it would be starting from scratch with a smaller style client base, additionally it would just be more of the same and if in 5-7 years time my hearts still not in it then its just more time wasted. If anything I'd happily set up a retirement fund type business I could operate in my spare time which wouldn't impact on my career/daily work commitments. Something like motorbike decals/kits, number boards, race reps etc. But again that's not a 'career', at least not enough to keep me occupied. I'd much prefer something entirely new in regards to target market & products. I'm quite happy in a sales type/consultant environment and have been client facing for 15+ years so know how to talk to people and provide exceptional service. I can also run dealer channels and sales teams successfully because I have the experience of working each end of the chain so understand the pains of manufacturers, dealers and clients (end users) Its just the new products I'd need to learn and the rest would follow as its no different (with all due respect) I could learn new products in a day, a week or even a month depending what they are. Mechanical, software, service offerings, it doesnt matter as with the right attitude and ability to soak up specs what you then need then is a gift of being good with clients and relations. Good business is just that, good business. If you can keep your clients happy and your product or service offering at the forefront of their mind you're more than half way there. Its such a pity the motorcycle industry is so small as I've seen a few decent jobs recently looking after dealer channels or working for some of the main brand distributors which obviously I know a lot about as its what I love. I know the products in and out as I spend enough time researching before I buy (just ask the mrs how anal I can be with the finer detail) Some of you will know yourself that there are times when you go to a dealers or speak to a rep from the manufacturers during a trade show and it actually ends up you knowing slightly more than them just because you've kept an interest in all press releases, market gossip and so on. Ok not all the time but Im sure a lot of you have been in a similar position at some point and that's because you know the market because you/we are the market. The problem lies with so few jobs in that industry and the guys who have worked the shop floor wanting that step up and getting first opportunity. Rightly so I guess. So there you have it, quite simply a new range of products and a new target market is all I'm effectively after at this stage, that way I've not wasted my skill set and years of hard work and experience. It's just a matter of switching printers, the various substrates used and the software used in workflow over to something different with a different customer.
We've been trying to recruit for 6 months and not one decent candidate Not sure if its the shit wage or working for me that's putting people off
Damodici good luck to you mate, it takes some balls to walk away from a job, but if it is stressing you out and it is coming to a natural end, better for you to be in control of the decision. My advice would be to try and find something you could do for yourself, the worlds best kept secret is being self employed, I left all the corporate bullshit back in 2006 and have never looked back, bloody hard work and not every year is a bumper year, but at least you are in charge of your own destiny, and the best thing is that you never have to use that sickly sycophantic voice to a boss ever again!
Three of my mates are in transport, distribution and commercial property ( the big sheds for Amazon etc ) and they're all flying at the moment, it's all from internet sales. I would have thought Digital print was the future, I'm always reading of big investment from printers on new machines. St Ives and CPI are two that have invested recently. General commercial print is on it's knees. How about being a print broker ? Like you it infuriates me visiting dealers and their general lack of product knowledge and interest in motorcycle racing, if you sell anything surely you should have a passion for that product and/or brand. You always think I could do a much better job, and to be honest ....... you would. Good luck to you, it sounds like you have varied skills and would think you'll pick something up quickly. As much as I'd like to jack it all in and do something else with a crippling mortgage, lad off to uni in September, my wife currently out of work and two Ducati's to support I'm hanging on until they drag me out screaming.