Apologies if posted elsewhere but main pic in mcn of a multistrada 1200 with the name bradders on it couldn't be could it?
The only time Ive ever been to Loomies, I had this awesome Cheese and baked bean toastie thing. Im amazed I actually managed to eat most of it without dropping it on the floor
or a TTX or an Ohlins front end or an HM shifter or a gear position indicator or a dark screen or Harris levers (I went ASV) or well you get the picture. Dementors is certainly NOT identical to mine!
Well Roy went a bit mad on it, I have to say ... Wait, what am I saying? He did what any red-blooded Ducatista would have done
Nah. He just made exactly what he wanted and good on him. Its his and he's got the funds. I might have done more to mine if it wasnt for these pesky wife and children sucking up all my hard earned cash. Or the other 2 bikes