Lost Me Nut!!

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Lumbux, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. Well I'm doing the fork seals on the 400 and the first one was fine, all done in 20 mins. The second one I assumed had lost all the oil as there was no dampning at all. Well as I took the top cap off the fork outer there was nothing attached to it?? Broken I thought, no hang on the lock nut has come undone and fell on the shock. Well to cut a long story short, the last person to take the fork to bits though that this part wasn't needed. So dose anyone have one laying around or know where I might get one. Many thanks
  2. Wot nut? Which forks??

  3. Showa forks, lock nut on top of the damper rod that screws into the top cap/nut. Its at work so can show you on Wednesday Al. Looks like a very fine pitch on the tread. If all else fails might be able to get a nut from DJ Evens in Ipswich
  4. Ah Showas.........Fully adjustable?

    The one on my Showas is quite a deep nut..........and IIRC it was at least a Metric Fine, but it could be even finer than that, almost like bike threads.

    I doubt I have one but will take a peek in my nut boxes............I haven't got a tap if it is Metric Fine of finer, but that could be your way out............get a suitable nut and tap it at work......or can you get one turned at work?
  5. There not adjustables on my bikes, tried to match the thread today with a thread gauge but no luck. I'll have a look again tomorrow. Thanks anyway
  6. OK..............Just checked......

    It isn't a normal M10 x 1.5 thread.........

    And the finer threads are 0.75; 1.0; 1.25...........I'm pretty certain the thread I measured at your place was 1.0mm, but check it again......It definitely wasn't 0.75 but I suppose it could just be 1.25..........Logical way is measure 5mm and you should have 5 definite 'spaces'.
  7. Found two nuts that might be OK...........

    I'm not sure what thread they are because I don't have a known M10 x 1.0mm bolt to test them on; however they seem to fit what I think is the alternator bolt from an 80's Guzzi (but I'm not sure if that is what it is).

    Anyway, you can try them.
  8. Well panic over. I went and doulble cheeked where we tip the waste oil at work and there it was. No idea how I missed it as I managed to pick the rest of the guts up. So onwards now, thanks for the help Al!!
  9. Thank God you didn't do an oil change otherwise we would have all been looking for your bl**dy engine.....
    • Funny Funny x 1
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