Lovely Weather ........

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnboy, May 17, 2014.

  1. ok so great weather today hardley a cloud in sight
    what temperature have you had today 24 degrees it was reading in the car midday
    down side must have got a bit too much sun in the wrong places
    as the rear of my seat unit on my ss now has a textured finish as in the same as the inside
    of my bike cover
    paint was not great anyway but textured :eek: lol
  2. something tells me you know what the weather's been like up my way. and i am getting right sick off it.
  3. lush on the south coast here Finm ;) clear skies and scorchio factor 50 sun
  4. don't i know it. might have a solution, gonna sleep on it.
  5. Are you gonna buy a sun bed? Or move? ;)
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