Loving this...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Father and son's Himalayan adventure.

    #1 figaro, Aug 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  2. Reckon my DR would be perfect for a trip like that
  3. Cool :smile:
  4. I feel ashamed for not procreating now. My dad would have been up for the jaunt, no problem, but he's long dead and I've no children. Had a call from my brother earlier; he's been to Brighton on a rideout with his son (him on his 1098S, son on a new-to-him Malaguti scooter). The Ducati had conked out three times cos of the low speeds. I feel like I'm missing something now, not having a son to teach.

    Anyone got one they can lend me (not in a Nog way...)?
  5. Just get sme young friends ;-)

    My boy couldnt think of anything worse than spending that time withnhisnold fella, its all he can do to go to the pictures

    Thats kids
  6. No sorry not able to help you there. You could try Barnardo's.
  7. That's a cracking piece of film.

    I'm sitting here wondering if I could persuade my wife that if she does a couple more days at an off road school she'd be fine on a trip like that? She wouldn't even ride her bike on gravel a year ago and now she fancies a week in Morocco so all I'd have to do is cut the film a bit to remove the ice and I'd probably get a result.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Are you sure it's not you? :tongue:
  9. I have :)
  10. Called "Kevin" perchance? :tongue:
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