I'm off to Luxembourg with a few pals next week and we've been talking about visiting both Ardenne's and Verdun... Obviously both historically sites. Has anyone been?? Anyone have any further recommendations or anything at these sites that's worth seeing? Naturally along the way we are looking for the most 'spaghetti' looking roads we can aka mega roads. Any advice is always appreciated.
Been that way loads of times. We usually get the boring bit of Northern France out of the way by the A16 to Dunkirk then A25 via Lille to Maubege (all free). Then get on N and D roads such as N40 to Givet or drop down to Chimay. There is a cracking road that follows the border of Luxembourg / Germany too . If you have a Michelin map look for the ones with a green line next to them. I might have some Garmin routes saved that I could e-mail you if you are interested?
This is the memorial museum at Verdun. It's like a mini Imperial War Museum. There are also vast graveyards.
I go to Luxembourg every year. I have been around 10/12 times and never grow tired of it. Over the years I have honed a Luxembourg round route that is fantastic. Last year I stayed on the river Sure and managed to do 200 miles without moving more than 20 miles from the Hotel. Fantastic quality roads - in Lux stick to roads starting "C3" but not ending in a letter like C341B. This year I shall stay in Bastogne and do some Ardennes where the roads are not such good quality and pop over to Lux Sightseeing highlights include the Luxembourg military museum at Mersch, and the Band of Brothers fox holes at Foy just outside Bastogne Home I could send you the route if you like
The forecast has changed from glorious to absolutely terrible. I'm talking thunder and lighting and pissing rain all day and night pretty much every day! The want I have that this changes is huge :cry: