M25 Ring of Red

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducati dad, Nov 8, 2013.

  1. I think that anyone thinking of doing this would be better off just giving the money they would spend on petrol directly to the British Legion.Joining a rideout like this with a fair proportion of inexperienced/dare I say idiot riders, could be a recipe for disaster.Not to mention the problems that might happen with other vehicles.
  2. I keep getting sent it...
    I've done a few of the MAG on mass demos .
    I know this is different but .....

    Doing that on the M25 :(

    All the demos I've been on there's been an accident all so far have been riders not looking and too busy waving at people someone in front brakes and they then go into the back of the person on front .

    Also M25 is a mare at the mo and at the best of times .
    It's just going to end up winding other drivers up !
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  3. nice idea, sort of, but i spent hours stuck on the M25 last saturday thanks to that lorry collision at jnc 23 where the motorway was closed, and then roadworks...added 3 hours or so onto my journey...i think that this is a nice idea, but the thought will be lost as no one will understand what its about, no one will be watching (all of these things need an audience-preferably stationary), and as Hellcat said, these protests, demos etc usually end up with some twisted metal, and im not talking about Cradle of Filth either.
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  4. More like a ring of dead heads. Hearts in the right place, but brain somewhere near anus.
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  5. It took place I see ...
    I honestly can't think of anything worse then being stuck on the M25 car park :( :(
    It's the pits !
    So I went to our local service as did British Legion and a few of their riders and put some pennies in the donation boxes again instead.
    It was subtle and a nice quiet service
  6. This made the BBC news - and in doing so achieved two things. It highlighted the act of remembrance to people who might have otherwise forgotten, and it challenged the public's perception of motorcyclists. Both of those things should be applauded. Well done Julia Stevenson for arranging this event - good effort !
  7. I went to go out at 11.30 ish. Got all my gear on and everything then went to get bike out. Then noted i'd removed the clutch as ive a slipper to put on and im awaiting a 25mm nut. Doh!

    I went back in and had a bacon sarnie
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