Hi I have a M900 1995 that is running rich on one cylinder. Carbs all checked OK and set up roperly. new float kit fitted but still rich on one cylinder, any ideas?
if you are certain it's not carbs then could be ignition pick-up is set slightly retarded on rich cylinder but only a long shot (plus rear runs slightly richer anyway generally). Could it be oil ingress (valve stem guide weep/piston rings) rather than richness? Worth a compression check on both for a start.
Good pont as I have recently replaced the ignition pick-ups. Plugs are a bit sooty not oily and rear fauls in about 3 miles in traffic
Just a thought, I've played with a few carb'd Monsters now, and the float heights always seem worng on them. Could be worth taking the carbs apart, cleaning and setting up correctly as a matter of course....