For Sale Magneti Marelli Lithium Battery Fits Lots Of Ducatis

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by farmster, Oct 28, 2019.

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  1. As per listing
    Just having a clear out
    Might suit somebody, perfect order
    Cost £120 new
    Accept £30 plus carriage I guess about a fiver uk only
    Not the weight light as a feather :)
    Just that you can’t send lithium batteries in the post.








  2. I will have that thanks
  3. Bugger, paid £55 for a Yuasa YT12B-BS AGM from Halfords on Sunday :( Andy
  4. I have that one fitted to my 939 Supersport. It was fitted to my 848 previous to this bike. Still going strong after around 4 years.
  5. Don't they burst into flames...?

    • WTF WTF x 1
  6. Where do you live Chum ??
  7. Click on his avatar ;)
  8. Thread closed
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