Went out with the lads this morning on MTB's and within about half a mile from my house I had a HUGE spill Fuck me it hurt, I don't bounce like I used to We set off across the park as a short cut heading to the canal path to get us started on our route, my mate decided we should ride across the top of the flood banks and all of a sudden he jumped off a set of concrete steps that drop the flood bank on to a lower level one. I thought 'I'll have a bit of that', idiotically I followed him but instead of getting the front wheel up, it just dropped away from me and my momentum just took me in to a forwards somersault, and I mean a FULL ON forwards somersault as the steps dropped about 1.5m plus my height stood up on the peddles. What looked like grass at the bottom of these drop down steps was actually a continuation of the concrete in a weird hatching with the odd bit of grass growing through, I hit the thing so hard directly on my head upside down I couldn't breathe for what seemed an eternity, I split my helmet which then dug in to my head and cut it, split my lip, bruised (possibly cracked) my ribs and my thumb is also hurting like a mother. I tell you, without that crash hat I'd be dead, no question, it could easily have been a broken neck. Lucky boy really Carried on with them for about another 20miles but I wimped out after that as my thumb was giving me grief and my ribs hurt. So there you go, first crash on two wheels I've had since 17, that last one was on an RDLC 125, I'm lucky comparatively speaking without question, but when you get to a certain age it puts things in to perspective no matter what your riding. I've spent the last 2 hours looking at Dainese body armour for mtbikers and a new crash hat. Take care people, whatever your riding, and for gods sake wear the right stuff
I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow , thanks for the concern though, if my ribs get worse ill have to pop to a docs but at the moment I'm not bad.
Beware! I had a big fall about 3 years ago on an MTB. Steep downhill, went over the bars at speed and hurt myself all the way down one side and after riding home I had to go to A&E as my calf swelled up from internal bleeding. A few months later I got a pain in my shoulder, then spread down my left arm and half my hand went dead. Had to have ACDF in a hurry to sort out the pinched nerve in my neck. I.m sure it was down to the tumble. For the sake of £25ish I would not hesitate in seeing my physio for a full check up just in case, if I had another fall. MTB'ing is great though and I'm sure makes me a better motorcyclist (especially off road )
Was thinking of main lining some crystal meth this evening before taking the unicycle across the gorge on a tight rope..... But on reflection...
Glad tour kind of ok, I had a big ski high side,fell on the small of back area,I will wear my back protector in future for skiing too.
What happened to the no pictures it didn't happen answer , the Forest of Dean made up my mind to sell my dh mtb can be a risky past time
Watch those ribs, fell out of a tree once limb walking (tree surgeon) and sailed straight into the bole of the tree at warp 8, knocked me senseless. Three days later woke up in the middle of the night for a jimmy and collapsed all over the bog, banged my head on the way down and knocked myself out, again. Pah, pain is for wimps.
You must've whacked that helmet hard, have u not been to A&E to get checked out? Did it happen in slo-mo?