Main dealer parts stores, rip off.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by peter james, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. Not Ducati but my local Ford dealership, tossers. Renewing my discs all round on my transit, I have brought the discs and pads from a motor spares supplier, not branded stuff but nevertheless it's Ford equivalent, probably made in the same factory just bypassed the ford boxing section . Anyway sods law I needed ball joints on passenger side as mounting the pavement over here is an everyday occurrence, so I pops down to the Ford dealership, after looking online to gauge price , anything from £7.50 to £25, knowing they will be in stock. Fell over when he told me Lower joint was £59 , tracking arm ball joint £46 , unsurprisingly I got them from the motor factor for £17 each. Main dealers seem to think they can justify ripping punters off with a logo or brand on a box. .
  2. Unless it's the same branded part then it's unfair to compare prices, but 3x the cost is still very hard to justify!
  3. With main dealers comes main dealer overheads I guess.
  4. Correct
  5. Years ago i used to work in a main dealers, the mark up on parts was enormous, as 'trade' we got anything from 50 to 80% off the price of parts from other franchised outlets, sometimes more. It is quite common now for the same part for a VW, Audi or Skoda to be priced very different, depending on which box it arrives in.
  6. I enjoyed employee discount at Ford dealers for many years. Made it bearable to pay for genuine parts.
  7. And this is news because?
  8. Because this is the lounge where things are up for discussion , or has this site become your property, now go back to sleep :biggrin:
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  9. I'm sorry if I offended but I quite like news. However I do find stating the bleeding obvious rather strange.

    OEM is always more expensive. That's why copied parts businesses have started and are on the market.

    This happens in all industries.
  10. You have a transit?

    Give us a lift to track days...:biggrin:
  11. Are you that fat? :wink:
  12. No, his balls are just rather large!
  13. What a shock when I had to replace the front discs on my Audi A4...

    I went to GSF and they only wanted just over £40 for each Brembo disc!!
  14. Buster Gonad, the boy with unfeasibly large testicles.
  15. If you want shock and horror, give BMW a call and ask for a price to fit a towbar!
    Oh how I laughed! :eek:
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