Marco Foundation - Cat & Fiddle on Sunday 17th March

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by El Toro, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. The Marco Foundation are at the Cat and Fiddle on the 17th March - 11am till 3pm to hand out sponsor forms and explain about the sponsored ride to Donnington - great cause well worth attending.

    Anyone fancy going?
    #1 El Toro, Mar 6, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2013
  2. Yep weather permitting I'll defiantly be there.
  3. Defiantly? :wink:
  4. Trust you, I never check predictive text.
  5. Weather looks good, anyone going, I will be there around 12 ish.
  6. We are due snow here tomorrow allegedly :frown:
  7. Well the ride to Donnigton is this Saturday, I will be going along with scouse mouse, anyone else going.
  8. I can't now cos I'm at my niece's wedding.
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