
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAliT, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Its wonderful.....I'd bath in it if it wasn't so gloriously viscous!

    14 vote(s)
  2. Yeah.....Its OK.....I don't really see what all the fuss is about

    18 vote(s)
  3. I fart in your general direction. Its filthy and I'd rather cleanse my genitalia with a rasp.

    6 vote(s)
  1. Does this make you salivate or want to vom........or do you fly in the face of the marketing think its just OK?


    When she was 3 my daughter wanted a bite of my 'chocolate spread on toast'. Scarred for life.
    #1 MrAliT, Dec 4, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
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  2. When my daughter was small the deal was that if she refused to eat her meal the only alternative option she was offered was marmite on toast. Today she loves the stuff.
  3. When I put it on my cats paws, it keeps her quiet and contented for hours!
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  4. Small quantities only and not too often as Marmite is high in salt content and cats are sensitive to salt similar to small babies.
  5. Marmite on Toast.. Nom Nom Nom
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  6. They also enjoy ear wax...Hmmmm....:wink:
  7. lovely meal

  8. Better still, Marmite on grilled crumpets with butter melted into the holes. I can feel my coronary artery clogging as we speak.
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  9. Yep indeed, It is only a tiny dab once in a while, not a dip. We found out about it when we caught the little bugger licking the tiny threads (if thats what you call em) from a plate once.

    Shes 18 now, never done here any HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArm!
    #9 Phartycr0c, Dec 4, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
  10. That stuff is just poo in a bottle
  11. Yeah, you might as well just shite on your tongue
  12. Cant stand it but like a bit of bovril at the 9th hole
  13. It's ok on toast or crumpet, but there doesn't seem to be much to tempt me to do anything more with it...

  14. I am with Pete on this one,

    But have you tried it with peanut butter also on toast.


    Don't knock it till you have tried it :upyeah:
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  15. On toast with cheese too. Nomnomnom!
  16. Philistine - Lee & Perrins
  17. I have it's yummy :)
  18. Marmite with scrambled eggs for me - mash it into them and serve on brown toast with a smidgin of butter. Yum!
  19. NZ made Marmite for me, your English stuff is pish! On toast, or with cheese on toast, sandwiches, added to stews/casseroles etc, so good I am now salivating excessively. :biggrin:
  20. Try this for a cheap and delicious meal:

    Marmite mince -

    Soften some diced onion in butter in a pan, then add the minced beef and brown evenly. Push the mince to the edge of the pan leaving a well of melted butter and juices in the middle, add a bloody big dollop of Marmite and stir, then combine into the mince. Stir in a bit of paprika and a crumbled stock cube, then add a little beef stock to the consistency of your choice.

    Stick a big pile of it on a bloody big baked potato and melt some cheese on top. Best meal you have ever had, guaranteed:upyeah:
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